Home, Sweet Home

Monday, March 28, 2011


Springtime around the Mirecki Zoo has been somewhat dismal the last few days. Outdoors, the sun is shining and the birds are singing and our yard is screaming to be cleaned up!
No matter how often we tell ourselves we're going to bring the stuff in this year, the first snow always catches us by surprise, and the yard toys remain out alllllll winter long.
Yech, last year's weeds are STILL THERE! Someone forgot to remind us that they don't decompose through patio tiles :D

Indoors, we're singin' a different tune. We're 3 down  in the sick department - with the good ol' fashioned influenza. My poor boys :0( Hoping the hubby and baby girl don't get it also!

This post is a part of the L.E.N.S Photo Challenge
L.E.N.S. button #2


  1. Your yard looks like ours! Sadly in need of a spring cleaning. :) I love the bit of snow though - we don't get that excuse!

  2. Awwww. We went through the flu bug, strep bug, tonsil bug! Fever bug.. It was bad this year.Hopefully it will run through quick! Hang in there!

  3. Spring is just around the corner! Maybe this is the year the toys will come in for the winter. :) Sorry to read the fam is down and out witht he flu. It's rough! Spring has gone on break in GA (that's why I've had daffodils blooming already)...it's rainy and cool this week. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. So sorry to hear your little ones are sick..I hope they are starting to feel better...and yes I know all about that clean up....my screen porch was used as a catch all this entire winter...first warm day of Spring I was out there cleaning it up and putting things in our storage building out back...ya know where all the Christmas boxes should have been put..haha...well I am pleased to say Hoarders does not need to be called on my porch any more...LOL.... :O)

  5. hold on, I'm sure a warm Spring is coming to you soon! I hope your family recovers from the flu soon.

    Much grace and peace to you this week, and I am so glad you joined up with the challenge this week :)

    your photo of the toys and the snow is a riot!
