Home, Sweet Home

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday Sum Up - Easter edition

Well, well, well, would you look at what day it is? This seems to be a habit, this day-late posting of the Sunday sum up. Eh well, at least I'm still getting around to it :D

We've had ourselves an incredibly busy week around the MireckiZoo! For one thing, my husband got the flu we all (except for Baby Girl) had 3 weeks or so ago, so he was knocked out from Tuesday until pretty much Saturday. Which was a challenge for me as I had 3 things to plan for this weekend and a heap of work to do!

Wednesday we dyed Easter eggs for the first time ever. 
I've never really had a desire to do it, but since the boys are at an age where they can handle themselves quite well, I figured I'd give it a shot. I was going to use boiled eggs, but since no one really likes them, I didn't want to waste a dozen. So I blew out 12 eggs instead. And nearly fainted a few times. But it was worth it! I used all the red dye for my last few attempts at Red Velvet cupcakes, so we had only yellow, green and blue, but we made an extra teal as well.
Since the eggs don't sink, the kids pushed them down into the dye and spooned it over top, and it worked brilliantly! I also tried wrapping one in a lettuce leaf for a cool design.
I kind of wanted to try tie-dyed, but it was too much work. So in the end, we splashed a drop of dye on top of some of the eggs, and we were quite happy with the results. The white designs are from tape - we keep it simple around here :D
Wednesday evening the kids had their final Awana night - awards night! Both the boys are in Awana, Will is in Sparks (1st year) and Jeremiah in Cubbies (1st year). They both have done really well with memorizing their verses, Will finished his first book too! I am proud to see them so eager to absorb the word of God. We do more memorizing than the Awana verses, but that's for another post :D

Thursday was our craziness day - I took the kids swimming prior to Will's swimming lessons and they loved it once again. I'm starting to enjoy spending time in the water with them, even though Tim still refers to the pool as the "Peepee pool". Just don't remind me :D Post-swimming we ran an insane amount of errands in order to get ready for Will's birthday and party on Saturday (since everything was closed Good Friday and we wouldn't have much time Saturday AM!).

Friday we had our service at church (the first one we've had at 9 AM! It was EARLY!). I taught the 2s and 3s (mixed with the JKs) class, which I haven't done in a LOOOOOOOONG time! I love this age group - they are a good bunch of kids and really attentive, even the youngest 2s (of which my Naomi is one of them) sit and listen to the story, and while they can't really answer the questions, they're being taught the word of God and absorbing it all! It really is a privilege to be able to teach the kids at church. As much work as it is to prepare, I am always so blessed by it!

Saturday was the big birthday boy's actual birthday! He's 6!
I can hardly believe it! Had had a Lego birthday party (I'll be doing a separate post on that) and got Lego for the first time. He's thrilled! Between him and Jay they've spent most of the last couple days building and following instructions. Now comes the great dilemma of how in the world to store it! Any ideas/thoughts?

Sunday - HE IS RISEN! We attended our services at church, I did NOT want to stop singing! It was so full of energy and life and hope! I am so thankful for the sacrifice my Lord made for me so that I can be ALIVE! I saw this video on Beth Moore's blog yesterday morning and I've been singing it ever since. Rise up, people of the Lord rise up!

In the afternoon we had the pleasure of going around and "egging" a few of our friends' homes. I first saw the idea on Dating Divas and thought it would be so much fun for the kids to do! I gave them their secret mission, and it sure as a challenge because they wanted to tell their friends at church in the morning! But their kept it quiet, and they worked hard to get the eggs delivered. They filled the eggs with candies and a few little toys, then we parked down the street from their homes, ran up and hid the eggs out on the steps, lawn, garden, etc. We posted the "You've Been Egged" sign on the door, with a little poem explaining what to do, rang the doorbell and RAN! It was so much fun, I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, the kids or me :D Unfortunately, because of the nature of the event, we did not get any pictures :0( Maybe next time!

Easter dinner was at my mom's - my grandparents were there (Opa and Oma) and it was so nice to catch up with them and spend some time with them. More and more now I am thankful for the Christian heritage Tim and I both have and any time I can get spending with our elders is a blessing.

Well, that's it for last week's Sum Up! Enjoy a great week ahead all!

And if you're a homeschooling mom, check out Homeschool Creation's curriculum giveaway starting now!


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