Home, Sweet Home

Monday, May 2, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys!

Last week, while my hubby was sick, I took the kids to Unionville for a free coffee (it was Earth Day @Starbucks, and free coffee if you brought in your own mug!) and TooGood Pond.

I grew up in this area for a few years, right on Fred Varley Drive (yes, that's right, named after the Canadian Group of Seven artist!), and we went to church right on the end of Carlton and Main Street. The river that runs into the reservoir and pond ran right beside our church, which is still there.

Anyway, it is one of our favourite places to go as there is a pond (obviously!) and a walkway around it with lots of ducks and geese and muscovy.
I took the camera and got some great shots of the boys doing, well, boy things :0) They stopped to watch some guys fishing.
And of course had to get as close to the water as possible.
We headed around the pond through a thicketed area, where they wanted to take the "trail" that wasn't really a trail.

They found a felled tree to hide behind.
And then proceeded to climb across it.

At the end it branched off and they just HAD to include that part in their climbing.

The bridge over the river (??? I think it's considered a river, although it is pretty stagnant) is where they like to "fish" and play "Pooh Sticks". 

I love these boys and I am so thankful that the Lord has entrusted them to our care. I am tried and stretched to the max by them every single day, but we are all the stronger for it.

Praying for strength, wisdom and God's mercy on this journey of parenthood where we're raising the next generation of godly young men!

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