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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Elementary Round-up June 7

We have had a busy, packed couple of "mostly summer" weeks! I'm glad I'm doing these postings otherwise I may NEVER remember what we actually did :D

Last week we pretty well wrapped up any of the school (minus our Apologia science, which we are working on through the summer - what better time than now to study insects?!) we had left to complete. We are working through some workbooks to keep things fresh through the summer weeks, plus LOTS of educational outings and zoo visits.

On Friday, our co-op held a "Project Day" for all of the students. Everyone had a chance to do and present a project (if they wanted to), and the older kids (grades 4-9) had a competition on their presentation (visuals, spoken presentation and interviews).
Will decided to do a presentation on birds - it was only the week of when we finally hit on specifically robins, since we had ones nesting in our front yards, it seemed quite appropriate.

Let me say, I am a PERFECTIONIST (somewhat) when it comes to these kinds of things, so I had a hard time trying not to interfere too much. But William did an absolutely AMAZING job of putting everything together (I helped get the print outs, but he did everything else!), and with Jay's help delivering the oral part.
I was so proud of my two boys! No fear, they got right up there and told everyone what they had learned! The only thing missing was a LOUDER voice, but practice makes perfect, I'm sure next year's will be even better!

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