Home, Sweet Home

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pinterest: Reality Check

If you haven't already checked out pinterest, you may or may not be missing out. I resisted for a long time, thinking it was silly and figuring my bookmarks were good enough to keep track of things.
But when I caved, I was thrilled to find out how handy it is as a tool and as a bonus, that you could actually see things that OTHER people were planning on doing/making. 
So while I was "pinning" all my own projects to complete in the future, others were re-pinning them. And I was discovering all the other great ideas out there. Women's and girl's clothing and accessories to make, ideas for different rooms, hair styles, clothing styles, homeschool resources and ideas. 
It wasn't until recently, when I was busily re-pinning outfit ideas from someone else's board (and subsequently discovered polyvore - this is amazing, I totally stink at putting outfits together, but I'm pretty good at stealing others' ideas and making them my own :D) that I realized what was happening.

I was beginning to covet. What started out as a way for me to keep visual track of things I wanted to sew or make, recipes I wanted to try, homeschooling ideas - has gradually become another thing to become addicted to and "compare" myself with others. While it isn't as "in your face" as facebook is, the temptation is still there.

So I have found myself backing off. I'm still pinning. And I'm still casually looking through other people's pins. But I am being very cautious to make sure it is not taking up a lot of my time. I'm limiting myself to only pinning, and once in a while checking out other people's pins - and keeping them strictly to recipes and homeschool/organizational ideas, as I certainly do NOT need any more ideas on how to decorate my home, or which woodworking projects to take on next - especially since I don't even HAVE any woodworking tools :D 

I want to encourage you to be careful on these sites and search your heart - ask the Lord to reveal to you if it is consuming your time and energy, or turning into covetousness. I know that my time and energy is already limited in the days, so the last thing I want is something else to tempt me to fritter time away and distract me from what I really should be doing.

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