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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge with Footprints in the Butter

I'm linking up with Debra @ Footprints in the Butter with the desire to give MYSELF some motivation to keep reading to the kids, as well as keep track of what we are reading when.

Wow. I think I was living in a pipe dream when I had such great plans for this summer with all the reading we were going to do and all the writing. We have done hardly anything. So, rather than trying to redeem the time lost, I am just going to go forward and ensure we're reading at least 2-3 chapters a day! 

We started this in the fall, with our school curriculum, but had so much other reading to do we never really finished it. If you are a Charlotte Mason fan, it is recommended for year 1 history, but since we didn't really get to it, we're going over it now! My favourite story so far would be of William Tell. It contains other great stories like Robin Hood, Pocahontas, Socrates and His House, Julius Cesar. 

The Wind in the Willows (1 chapter a day). 
This is up for Will's 2nd grade read-alouds, so I thought we would get a head start on it. Thus far we are 1 chapter in :D IE we've read 1 day. What a great childhood memory this book is! But watch out, there are some choice words in there that you might want to skip! I managed to catch them in time and changed them in the book before we started reading through.

Read-Aloud Train Stories (1-3 stories a day, depending on time). 
This is a great book I picked up at a used curriculum sale. It has all the "famous" train stories (the little engine that could, the engine that ran away), but in their original story. It's from the '50s, so the pictures are a little plain, but it encourages good listening!

So, what are you reading?

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